Your itinerary
Step 1
On leaving the village of La Pouyade, take the path to the right that climbs through the woods to Puy de Nelle, which culminates at 142 m. Beautiful species make up this wood and line the path. Ignore all trailheads and keep going straight ahead.
Step 2
Follow the road 80 m to the left and cross to cross the car park barriers and join the path to the left of the sports hall.
At its end, follow Rue des Chevaliers Guignettes to the left for about 100 m.
Step 3
Step 4
At the top of Puy Robert, follow the stone path to the right – the panorama opens wide onto the gates of Périgord and Angoumois. At the end, turn left.
Step 5
Follow the road and go up to the left after the wash house. Continue opposite Rue des Potagers and continue straight on the white path for 300 m.
Step 6
Turn right immediately to reach the Feuillade wash house.
After the washhouse, continue the path in the undergrowth which then climbs towards Feuillade. Leave the house on the left and head towards Chez Labbé.
Step 7
Go down into the village, turn left and follow the path down to the Lansac wash house.
Continue in the undergrowth, ignore the paths that go to the right then to the left, climb the Chemin de la Noue which leads to a busy road.
Carefully follow it for 100 m to the right, favoring the wider right shoulder.
Step 8
Go up towards the village, turn right and continue in the woods which you cross heading west then south.
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Turn left on the way back from the washhouse to return to Rue des Figuiers.
At the next crossroads, see the Poitevins washhouse before turning left into Rue des Saules.
Further on, find Rue des Figuiers and follow it to the left.
Step 12
At the crossroads, continue opposite Rue des Colbert and discover the old “Petit Mairat” station depicted in the fresco before returning to the starting point.