Distance: 13 km
Duration (average) : 04h15
Elevation: 190 D +
Departure: Les Prés d'Or
Circuits of France_circuits
Circuits of France_POI
Outdoor experiences
Registered with the PDIPR
Blue markup
In the countryside
Panoramic view

icon Walking

Why we love

These are eight beautiful washhouses and fountains that you can discover throughout this very often shaded circuit, as well as beautiful panoramas from the top of the "puys". Between cultures and natural spaces, a mosaic of colors stretches as far as the eye can see.

Your itinerary


Step 1

From the car park, take Rue des Tourterelles which goes up along the leisure center and the school.
On leaving the village of La Pouyade, take the path to the right that climbs through the woods to Puy de Nelle, which culminates at 142 m. Beautiful species make up this wood and line the path. Ignore all trailheads and keep going straight ahead.

Step 2

At the end of the wood – view of the Brie Champniers aerodrome – take the road 200 m to the right and turn right on the shaded path which arrives opposite the multisports complex.
Follow the road 80 m to the left and cross to cross the car park barriers and join the path to the left of the sports hall.
At its end, follow Rue des Chevaliers Guignettes to the left for about 100 m.

Step 3

Take the small path on the right between two houses which goes up towards the Center Paul Dambier. Leave the undergrowth to cross the bowling alley on the left. Join the car park and go down the stairs on the far right.

Step 4

Go down Rue des Bouvreuils for 50 m and take Chemin des Hirondelles opposite.
At the top of Puy Robert, follow the stone path to the right – the panorama opens wide onto the gates of Périgord and Angoumois. At the end, turn left.

Step 5

Turn left again before the house. This shady path leads you to the Chez Nauve fountain.
Follow the road and go up to the left after the wash house. Continue opposite Rue des Potagers and continue straight on the white path for 300 m.

Step 6

Leave this path before the lift station by climbing to the left.
Turn right immediately to reach the Feuillade wash house.
After the washhouse, continue the path in the undergrowth which then climbs towards Feuillade. Leave the house on the left and head towards Chez Labbé.

Step 7

Turn right in front of the houses, arrive at Rue du Contrevent then Rue de l'arbalétier in the direction of Lansac on the right.
Go down into the village, turn left and follow the path down to the Lansac wash house.
Continue in the undergrowth, ignore the paths that go to the right then to the left, climb the Chemin de la Noue which leads to a busy road.
Carefully follow it for 100 m to the right, favoring the wider right shoulder.

Step 8

Carefully cross the road to take the path on the left which leads to the Ferrière wash house.
Go up towards the village, turn right and continue in the woods which you cross heading west then south.

Step 9

You come out on a wide path called des Plaqueminiers which you take to the right. After about 100 m, turn right to see the Rossignols fountain called Maran 200 m away.

Step 10

Retrace your steps, cross Chemin des Plaqueminiers to take the path opposite. Turn right on Rue des Chênes, continue on Rue des Cognassiers and cross the gardens. Continue via Rue des Méfliers, then turn right into Rue des Figuiers.

Step 11

Immediately follow Rue des Érables on the left to take a detour into the village and see the beautiful Fontanson wash house.
Turn left on the way back from the washhouse to return to Rue des Figuiers.
At the next crossroads, see the Poitevins washhouse before turning left into Rue des Saules.
Further on, find Rue des Figuiers and follow it to the left.

Step 12

At the end, turn right onto the RD 105 which you carefully cross after 80 m to take Rue des Éperviers.
At the crossroads, continue opposite Rue des Colbert and discover the old “Petit Mairat” station depicted in the fresco before returning to the starting point.