Distance: 2.8 km
Duration (average) : 01h00
Departure: Route de Lascour
Circuits of France_circuits

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Why we love

This short walk in the shade of the oaks and chestnut trees will allow you to discover the work installed on the wash house and the old reservoir located at the sources of the Échelle stream, then will amuse young and old thanks to the sports course.

Your itinerary


Botanical route

From the car park, cross the road and cross the barrier to enter the course. Continue straight on the banked path which climbs slowly - ignore the first path on the left which will be the way back.

Art in nature

After 1 km, cross another barrier on the right and go down towards the work of art by George Trakas and Christophe Gonnet "La source / la voir, l'entendre" installed on the washhouse and the old reservoir of potable water.
Retrace your steps and continue opposite.

Water tower

Leave the path to take the small path on the right. Turn left after the footbridge. Continue on the white path straight ahead to the water tower and the relay antennas.

Fitness trail

Leave the path to follow a small path on the left which will veer a little further to the left.
This is where the sporting journey begins.


The route ends with a steep path descending towards the start of the circuit, which is reached by turning right.