Distance: 7.5 km
Duration (average) : 02h15
Elevation: 127 D +
Departure: Route de la Trappe
Circuits of France_circuits
Registered with the PDIPR
In the countryside
Village center
Panoramic view
Tourist cycle route less than 1 km away

icon Walking

Why we love

The church, the castle and the beautiful residences of the village perched on its hill will present themselves to your gaze throughout this circuit during a spring or autumn walk.

Your itinerary


Step 1

Pass the motorhome area and follow Rue du Champ de Foire to the right – see the seesaw, the blacksmith carved from a redwood and the “work” which was used to hold the animals for shoeing in front of the old forge. Go to the roundabout and cross to join Rue de la Chaume.

Step 2

Follow Chemin de la Fontaine on the right. See the fountain below and follow the road to the right.

Step 3

At the intersection, continue to the left on Route de Jean de Sers. At the entrance to the hamlet, turn right, further on, ignore the road on the left to continue on the small Route des Cesses des Bois which crosses a residential area.

Step 4

Turn left on Route de la Combe Bouchard until the next intersection where you take the white path on the left. Ignore the path on the right at the entrance to the village and head left to immediately go down to the right into the valley. The path continues straight but without monotony for 1,350 km, the valley gradually revealing itself on the left side, while on the right stands the village.

Step 5

Turn right to go up towards the Route de Chez Grolier which you follow to the left - see the cross; off the route, from the right, you can access the Chez Grolier fountain. Cross the RD 73 and carefully follow it for 100 m to reach the white path on the left. After the pond and the small stream, enter the undergrowth. Arriving on the clearing, turn left, follow the path then walk along the meadows.

Step 6

Turn right until you reach the RD 25, which you carefully follow to the left for 300 m. Do not take the first path on the right “Logis de Nanteuil” and cross just after to enter the second path in the woods – the path is populated with orchids in spring.

Step 7

At the end of the undergrowth, continue straight on the white path. After the Nantouillet fountain, go up the steep slope on the right to reach the starting point.

More information

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Loopi illustration on foot