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Next edition from August 25 to 30, 2025

Taking advantage of the last rays of sunshine in August, the FFA celebrates French-speaking cinema. Whether in theaters or in public squares, films and their spectators invade the city of Valois, Angoulême for this occasion.

Thanks to the will and passion of their creators, Marie-France Brière and Dominique Besnehard, the festival defends popular and subtle cinema which excites professionals and amateurs, neophytes and film buffs alike. Supported by historic partners – The city ​​of Angoulême, GrandAngouleme, Department of Charente, New Aquitaine region, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Charente, the Angoulême CGR and CNC – and private partners who have made it grow; the festival highlights the films of today, those of the past but also the talents of tomorrow.

And how many great films have come to take their first steps in Angoulême: Intouchables, La guerre est déclarée, Les garçons et Guillaume, à table !, Hippocrate, Petit paysan, Boîte noire ou encore Aline. From year to year, this is confirmed: the taste of the public in Angoumois acts as a real barometer of future success!

Contact :

FFA: BP 80246 16007 Angoulême Cedex –