The forêt domaniale de Bois Blanc offers walkers the beneficial shade of its hardwoods and softwoods. Young and old will find a place conducive to their favorite activities, with a sports course and educational material.
You can learn to recognize the trees and animals that inhabit the forest, and the sports course will amuse young and old.
Do not look for the lake along the Lac Coquet forest house, the "lakes" are in reality only natural clashes of pockets of clay, retaining rainwater and 5 m in diameter maximum.
Close to the Touvre and its sources, the forêt domaniale de Bois Blanc was once connected to the Braconne forest; they are now connected by rural roads.
Their location on a karstic system explains the sometimes spectacular collapses called "pits" in the nearby forêt de la Braconne.
Hunting days on Tuesdays and Thursdays from the end of September to the end of March.